driving with your back? ouch!

This simple sketch shows someone sitting at the wheel in what Alexander Technique considers the worse for your body in a short and long term.

Driving with your back? Car-seat lower-back issues? well, apart from the fact that we may want to reduce polluting, or if you have injured your back (and in that case, what you need is a physician), there is no urgent need to stop driving.  But the HOW is important. Try doing it in a different way, try the Alexander Technique way.

Practice your Alexander technique deliberately while driving; you will find ease and joy at driving. It involves you thinking a bit differently.

To begin with, when driving, first we are sitting, yes? So visit the post “ischial tuberosities, what are you?”  which is about our sit bones. Remind yourself that the best way to sit is on our ischia. It is the way we are designed.

Most of us, after a little while, forget ourselves and forget about the ischia: on the more or less soft and often badly designed sit of our car, we end up sitting on our…tail bone! And that could be the beginning of the end…

As a fervent practitioner of the Alexander technique and as a fully credited Teacher of the Technique, I can guide you for a deeper awareness and use of your driving body.

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