ischial tuberosities, rocking us to poise.

Ischial Tuberosities or plainly Sit Bones, we sit on them, we balance our body on them many hours a day.

So what are you?

We are your sit bones and our real name is ischial tuberosities!

We are your 2 “rockers” for a correct use of your body when sitting.

We are the 2 lowest bony parts of your pelvis. One ischium to the left, the other one to the right. Sitting equally on those two strong ischia will bring stability, strength and equilibrium in your posture in any situation: a strong sense of liveliness!

You actually “stand” on us when your are sitting. I mean, that is HOW you should sit any way. By that I mean that, as when standing, one is not holding one’s own body in perfect balanced immobility as a stacked part of a building.

Yes we, your two ischial tuberosities, we rock!

Notice the shape of the bony part that the body will rest on: it looks like a rocking chair foot: the “rocker”. You actually have two strong “rockers” to rely on and to balance your whole upper body’s alignment on when you are sitting.

By the way, sit on us, your two rocking ischial tuberosities, rather than weigh on your poor coccyx. But that will be the topic of another post. Suffice to say that the Coccyx is your tail bone and it looks poorly designed (at least compared to my “rockers”) to be used as the full support of our whole body.

So although we as human beings were not originally designed to sit for so long periods of time, we do it, and, according to Forbes and Nicole F. Robert, we do it more than ever:

In America, we spend  More Time on our Ischial Tuberosities Than Anytime In History And It’s Literally Killing Us!

So, let’s face it, we sit a lot. So why not do it the best possible way so that to prevent “killing ourselves”? By learning How our body functions we can prevent collateral pains and uncomfort.

By the way, we also sit a lot in our car, don’t we? So, we should really care about our ischial tuberosities.

As a fervent practitioner of the Alexander technique and as a fully credited Teacher of the Technique, Georgette can guide you for a deeper awareness and use of your sitting body.

Long live our sit bones! Long live our Ischial Tuberosities !   Book now.

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